Tuesday, September 8, 2009

these were/are my feet before. this is what 12+ years of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) did to my feet. time to get them fixed. off to see the wizard.

this is what they did to my right foot (pan metatarsal head resection and first metatarsophalangeal fusion), and what they will do to my left foot in a few days.

pins & stitches galore.

and many doctor visits.

the fourth toe had problems and had to get the pin pulled early.

the before and after picture.

and lots of healing time.

and now to do it all over again... put your left foot in.


  1. ...maybe that's what it's all about...

  2. p.s. this is a beautiful site/layout.

  3. left foot in updates please.

  4. Sarah, Danny's right. You've taken something amazingly intense and painful and created a beautiful space to share it in. I'm hopeful that these surgeries will enable you to be free from the arthritis. Or at least make it much more manageable on many levels. You've done good.

  5. cija- thank you! i don't think i will ever be free from RA, but i will be able to take nice walks again, have way less foot pain, and wear some cute shoes!

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