i've been a little behind in my blog-keeping, so here's the catch up:

(click photo for close-up)
on oct. 8th i got my stitches out, all 50 of them! (that's 2 more than the other foot had). it hurt so much less this time than my experience with the last foot stitch removal. it didn't kill this time, so my dear friend who took me to my appointment and i went out for burgers & shakes at the local burger joint, sparkey's, who's strawberry shakes are my absolute favorite post foot-appointment treat/reward.
here is the most recent foot progress photo. taken on oct. 15th, and only a week later now, it looks waay better, no more scabs (the dark spots) and only a couple "problem" areas (areas where the incisions aren't completely tight together and still healing). i keep wanting to wiggle the little piggies, which to me is a good sign that everything is healing quickly on the inside as well, but doctor's orders, don't wiggle the toes while you've got pins in them.
next visit is in a week and if my x-rays show enough fused progress i get my pins pulled! if that happens, it's all uphill from there!